Faith Over Fear - Biker & Riding Group Presents: "Christmas Help For Veteran's & Veteran Families".
We are partnering with several Veteran's and Veteran's Families to provide Christmas help to them this Holiday Season.
There are a plethora of ways to help make this powerful and much needed event happen:
We are seeking any/all of the following help: New toys for all ages, new clothing for adults and children - various sizing, new personal hygiene items and the most popular... financial donations to help provide gift cards so Veteran's and they Families can purchase what they are needing or financial donations to help Veteran's pay urgent and pressing bills due.
Will you please help us make a Christmas come true for these Veteran's and Veteran's Families?
Please contact me for details and donations:
Tripp Mullenax
Founder - Faith Over Fear - Biker & Riding Group
PayPal: @trippmullenax
Address: PO Box 2503, Brookfield, WI 53008
Thank you.......